What Actually Happened at Calvary?

1. What happened to the entire human race when Adam sinned?
    Romans 5:15
2.  What happened to the entire human race when Jesus died on the cross?
    What can Christ’s love do in our daily lives?
    2nd Corinthians 5:14
    Romans 6:6
3. What do we all now have the chance to be free from?
    Romans 6:13
4. What miraculous phenomenon can we encounter as a result of the Cross?
    Galatians 2:20
5. What happens when we belong to Christ Jesus?
    Galatians 5:24
6. When we accept Christ’s sacrifice what happens to our relationship with the world?
    Galatians 6:14
7. What happened to our condemnation for breaking God’s law as a result of Calvary?
    Colossians 2:13, 14
8. What does the following passage say about the Cross and the sin problem in our lives?
    Romans 6:1-4
9. What does Christ’s sacrifice bring us?
    Isaiah 53:4, 5


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